Saturday, May 22, 2010

What are my chances of getting into UCLA/UCSD?

Hi there. I am currently a high school senior and applying to college this fall. Can you guys help me out and give me some feedback and comments on how my chances look? I want to get into UCLA, UCSD, or USC!

Unweighted GPA= ~3.7

Weighted GPA= ~4.0

AP courses taken= 6 (passed with 3's or 4's on all butt 1)

Honor courses taken= 1 (English)

SAT1 attempts: 1690, 1900, (waiting for 3rd score)

SAT2 attempts: still need to take!

Took around 4 college math courses in 8th grade

Took Calc AB and BC in Freshman/Sophomore year

Eagle Scout

7 years of Taekwondo (2nd degree blackbelt)

2 years of after school tutoring (still current)

No clubs, no community service

What do you guys think? How can I improve my chances? I am most worried about my GPA, I received a C+ once in junior year, (got really lazy).

I appreciate it!

What are my chances of getting into UCLA/UCSD?
I think you have a GREAT chance. If you don't get into these schools, you are going to get into somewhere that you will definitely be happy about. These are good scores and great activities, 7years of taekwondo shows commitment and dedication.

All those things will override the C+
Reply:Maybe for UCSD, UCLA is a long-shot, and USC, as long as you have money, you'll be in.

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