Monday, May 24, 2010

My son's grades???

My son just started Jr. High and he wanted to take Pre-Algebra instead of the regular 7th grade math, he has had math tutoring in the past but started doing much better last school year, but today I got his report card and he is usually a straight A student, but he got a C-. Also his behavior in another class is an N and he is always an H student, for three years in a row. Any ideas on how I can approach him and work out this problem? I think he just doesn't understand the work in the math and he and this other teacher have a personality clash, but he can't change classes now.

My son's grades???
personality clashes will happen all through his life... infact i work with someone that gets on my nerves and i do everything possible to keep from having to speak to them for any reason. luckily they work in a different area and mostly keeps to themself. i can't quit my job over it no more than he can quit his class. this is a great opportunity for him to learn how to deal with this. as far as his grades go, at report cards time was the first hint you had he wasn't doing so good? well, my advice to you would be to get that teachers email address and keep in contact and ask her weekly for grade updates, test and quiz dates, and follow up making sure his homework is getting turned in. i know it is his responsibility to stay on top of this stuff but you can't get mad if you are aren't making sure he is doing what is expected of him....
Reply:on the bright side, when you think of colleges they wont be looking at these grades. i would suggest you to help your son develop good working habits though. highschool is alot harder to handle. junior high is to help kids get ready to enter highschool where everything matters from then. Report It

Reply:I would suggest you get him tutoring again.

It sounds as if this personality clash that he has

with the teacher can be affecting his interest and willingness

to pay attention in class. If he is so busy hating the teacher, he isn't paying attention and if he isn't paying attention, then how is he going to know what he is doing. Its unfortunate, but I have hated many of my math teachers and there isn't much you can do as a parent to change your child's feelings towards this teacher.
Reply:Have you talked to your son to find out why he is having trouble with pre-Algebra and this particular teacher? Once you have the information on his perspective of the situations will hopefully make clear the next actions.

And even if it is not school policy to let students change classes at this point, there should be some exception for special circumstances. Otherwise it's going to be a long semester/year for everyone involved.
Reply:Jr. high is a difficult time for a kid. i had the same issue and the best thing my parents did was to just let me work it out. look at it this way these grades do not get looked at by colleges incourage him to keep trying but don't make it a huge deal. he's learning how to balance school life and social life and making friends it will get easier. it's tough to try to fit in and still make the grade.
Reply:Algebra is one thing that i never understood. Algebra 1 or Algebra 2. But i excelled in the "harder" geometry. Studies say that your brain works harder for one subject over the other and something like 2% of people do well in both. So don't worry about it, it is a hard class. I hated algebra. Definitely get him a tutor and check with his behavior. This could be another factor towards his grades. My teachers gave me automatic U's in behavior for sleeping. And if you sleep in math.... you are screwed. So check up on that, call the teacher, see whats up.

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