Sunday, August 2, 2009

How can I cope with this?

Right now in my senior year, I'm taking AP Calculus. I was going to get out of it because I felt that the teacher did not think I could make it. I got a B- in trigonometry last year. My friend took trigonometry in the summer and she got a C and she is now take AP calc with me. I'm starting to feel that the teacher has more confidence in her than me and he is giving her more advantage and courage than me and I feel like I can't do it because I think he wants me to fail. I don't want to. I've always done my absolute best but I just think he is trying to make it seem like I can't do it. He always interacts with her more like she knows it just as much as he does and I feel uncomfortable going to him for tutoring because I think he is going to make me feel incompetent. I don't think he even wants me in his class. I'm the only black female in that class. My friend is Filipino. So I feel like I want to quit because I'm tired of dealing with people who think I can't make it. I feel so sad.

How can I cope with this?
First I would like to say great job for making it to ap calculus. Many students struggle just to get to where you are now.

If you feel comfortable, i would try to approach the teacher and let him know how you are feeling (lack of support from him in class). If he does not seem open to this, I would find another math teacher to use as my tutor or contact the math department at a college close to your house if it is okay with your parents. You may be able to find a student who will charge very little for tutoring. Meet them in a library or other public place. You can also ask your school counselors to help you find a tutor. Try not to let this teacher stop you from doing your best! I am a teacher and know that teachers

forget or are not always aware of the impact their words and actions can have on students. Based on what you have said I believe you can make it through this course with some belief in yourself and a little hard work. Don't rely on others to determine your capabilities. Have a great year!

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