Sunday, August 2, 2009

Could someone fill me in, please? I'm having a grade problem.?

Well, I always have great grades, As, Bs, maybe one C. But recently, I've been slowly but surely plummeting in the grade area. Going from all As and Bs and like one C to almost all Cs and a few Fs. I've been working hard and stuying, but math and social studies are both treatong me badly! Maybe because we only have a few days left I'm slacking?? Well, I'm scared to tell my mom, because the truth is, I'm afraid she'll be pissed. We don't have tutors here where I live. I've made up a couple of failed tests and aced one of them, but the other, not so sure.

Please help so I don't academically fail!!!

Could someone fill me in, please? I'm having a grade problem.?
there are tutors everywhere, even if it's only kids in higher grades
Reply:It sounds like you are in a tight situation, all right.

Try talking to your teachers and see what you can do to bring your grades up, and then DO IT.

Tell your mom that you are having trouble. It's not easy to discuss something like this, I know. If your mother gets angry it really comes from her concern for you. The more mature you are about this, the more reassured she will be. Have you figured out how this slide really started? Your teachers may be able to help you with particular problems. Since there are no tutors in your area you could pair up with students who are not having trouble in school, or even with students who are, but who are working as hard as you are.

My first job (when I was in fifth grade) was helping a third grade student in math. Tutors don't have to be adults and if you need concentrted attention, you could find a tutor among other students.

Good luck to you--I admire the way you intend to work to bring your grades up.
Reply:Ask your mom, siblings, friends to help out with studying. They can go through your stuff and help you cover important topics and take mock tests..
Reply:try to study with other students.
Reply:you should talk to your teachers about it maybe ask for some extra credit. You could also make flash cards for social studies and do some more math problems. Sometimes that are study guides inthe back of the book u could use those problems as study problems. Hope all goes well
Reply:just believe in urslef..and tell ur self u need to doo goodd.. once ur past theat u should be fine.. just think how getting good grades means soo muxh to uuu.. u should be fineeee.. u cant give up!! study harderrr
Reply:You will find out that schoolwork is FAR easier than anything real life has to offer. Apply yourself and good luck.
Reply:Hey, it happens to all of us. Don't be so hard on yourself. I use to do that all the time when the year was coming to an end. So anyhow, here is couple of things that might help you:

One) Talk to your teacher, SERIOUSLY, this is important, after class or when everybody is doing something, just ask your teacher about your grade and what could you do to improve it (this not only helps you in a way that you will get extra work but it will also leave a really positive impression)

Two) If you have hard time understanding something, ask some one who is good at it to take 10 minutes of their time and see if they can help you understand it better, if not, I know most of the teachers would be more than glad to stay after school and help you out.

Three) Shake up, don't loose attention now, this is when you need it the most. People usually just work really hard, and when the year comes to an end, they are all like, ooooh sweet I got this covered, and they kick back and end up getting a C or a D. What you need to do is push it even harder (because of your current situation).

Four) Try to take learning as something fun, this seriously works, after a while you'll get the hang of it, and you will start learning even if you don't have to. Once you get ahead, you may set your own learning schedule, because if your ahead of class, you may take a break if you want, if not keep pushing forward.

Five) whatever you do, DO NOT study too hard, that just does not work, it makes you tired, and then your attention slips and you miss out the new stuff in the class, and THEN you have to study even harder. So take breaks, have some fun with your friends, do something you like doing.

If there is one thing I know about studying something you have no interests its that it can be very stressful, so do something that can help you push that stress away, run, exercise, parkour, jump in bushes.

six) Good Luck. I know you'll pull it of.
Reply:Go to your teachers right away and get help, and see if you can do anything to make up for the low grades! Most teachers will be willing to help if you are sincere.
Reply:You can't honestly sit there and tell me that there are absolutely no tutors around you. They don't have to be a tutor as their profession, just someone good in the subject in question. You probaby can't bring it up a whole lot since you're so close to being done, but get someone to help you. And Just be honest with your mom. Tell her exactly what you've told us. I'm sure she'll understand.
Reply:is the teacher going too fast for you?

ask if the teacher can go over some stuff for you

at the end or beginning of class
Reply:Ask your teachers for help, aren't they paid to do that?

Hard work and studying can lead to exhaustion. Take care of yourself eat well, don't over do it on the junk food get plenty of sleep and breath. Nobodys perfect.
Reply:Just keep studying, ask teachers what you can do to pass or bring your grade up, do homework. My sis is having the same problem because she doesn't do homework and ditches because of her friends.
Reply:You need to let your teacher know that you are having problems, and ask for additional help in anything that you don't understand. Ask for extra assignments that you can complete for credit.

Tell your mother that you are having trouble. She might be upset, but it should impress her that you are responsible enough to come to her, tell her the problem and ask for help.

- Complete ALL of your assignments, and turn them in on time.

- Set up a quiet area to study. Every day, at the same time, study. Even if you don't have homework. Math and Social Studies are easier to study for, since you can typically find all sort of questions in your text book that you can do as practice.

- Make up some flashcards out of index cards, and carry them around with you. Hang important facts on your bathroom mirror and read them while you are brushing your teeth, fixing your hair, etc.

Hope this helps!

Reply:You may have just hit the wall - I work full time and go to college full time (and have 3 kids, 4 dogs, a house and a husband that all depend on me) I started this semester with all A's (lowest was a 94) then starting to decline and I even got one 56 on a Bio exam.

So, I took a break -- just a few days to clear my head and take a mental vacation and it really helped - now am back up to getting my A's. You may be pushing too hard and are getting burnt out.
Reply:chill dudette,its happens to everybody,its impossible to maintain steady grades all the times.your brain is jus taking a break.ask your teacher to stay behind and help you to your mom,she will understand that this isnt your fault.take the studies a bit at a time.last minute cramming aint gonna help(though my buds at my college swear by it!),practise math problems again and again,practise sums from other got quantity of studying,but what about quality?? does your mind wander after a while?concentrate intently on your subject.its just a'll wear some activities like sports or play a little ps2.
Reply:omg same with me K-5 Striaght a's then my gpa got lower and lower until i got a tutor a college near by
Reply:usually, people, (myself included), tend to slack it up during the last weeks of the school year. my best advice is to keep studying hard, and it may not seem like it, but it will help. maybe you subconsciously slacked off, but whatever the situation is, you can correct it just by focusing for the last two or three weeks left, keep me posted

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