Sunday, July 26, 2009

What is a good college I can get into?

I want to probably major in either International Business or Business (but something International related- any suggestions?)

I'm currently a junior

GPA: Sophomore year- 3.7

PSAT: 166 (I'm improving on it currently)

Extracurriculars: Pops Orch-9, Crimestoppers-9, NHS-10,11, Key Club-11, L.A.S.E.R (Sci Fair)-9,10,11, Photo- 11. Spanish- 9,11.

Officer positions: Photographer for Spanish, Class Reporter for Orch, Co-Secretary for Photo.

Awards: Violin, Photo, Volunteering

Volunteering experience: Teen Court, Special Needs, Homework Center Tutor, NHS volunteer, Tutoring, Office-Aid

Job experience: Summer job as camp counselor for disabled.

Classes taking currently: APUSH, APEng, APSpan, Chinese H, Physics H, Pre-Calc H, Orch. (Chinese and Orch- A's, APUSH, APEng, APSpan- Bs to high Bs, Physics- about a B, Pre-calc, C.)

I'm not in FBLA or anything, because the FBLA program isn't too great at my school.

What is a good college I can get into?
Assuming you do much better on the SAT and ACT than you did on the PSAT, I'd say you could get in anywhere except like the top 35 or so universities (you can find rankings on US News. I think if you get a 30 or so ACT and 2000 SAT you can get into any college ranked 35 or lower.) Good luck!
Reply:wow! do you have a life outside school? u remind me of my friend. well, you can probably get into any college you went. I suggest Stetson U (Florida), University of Florida, University of New York, Yale, Harvard, or Princeton.
Reply:jesus christ man............i have better sat and psat tests and thats a bout it lol.........youll be fine with those stats especially the 40k clubs your in..... stop makin me look bad lol

good luck!

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