Thursday, July 30, 2009

How can I study more effectively without worrying about doing bad? More details in... well details.?

Here is the situtation.

I'm in College General Physics. I have a professor who is off the wall 100%. In the past I have studied my *** off, went over review questions during review sessions my professor and tutor had put up (I went to every single one so far). So far every exam landed a class average of a 40!!!! He always put something on the exam that we didn't review or even emphasis! Fortunately, he puts the C on the class average. Now I'm nervous in getting a bad grade and it's getting on my way. I know the best way is to don't worry about it and put it aside, but my Science GPA will get messed up if I do bad in this class... plus I have to take him next semester. I've been studying, but I'm getting really nervous.

How can I study more effectively without worrying about doing bad? More details in... well details.?
here's what I want to know: is there anything you enjoy about physics?

I know that's an odd question, but here's why I'm asking: if you approach your studies as an opportunity to learn something new, it'll become less of a chore and a memorization thing. Concentrate on learning concepts rather than facts and formulas.

In high school you're taught to regurgitate information. In college it's usually (hopefully) different. Most professors want to broaden your mind, and that's not going to happen if you're just spitting out facts and figures.

The best way to stop worrying is to enjoy the process. Really.

I'd recommend going to the prof and asking him what you're doing wrong--tell him you really want to succeed in his class. (you may be surprised by his response, hopefully in a positive way)
Reply:you're welcome. I'm really interested in hearing how the professor responds to being approached---I hope to hear something great. Report It

Reply:You need to study every day. After the class, study your notes and what you learned. Then each day, look over it. The next time you have the class, study what you learned that day PLUS look over what you learned before.

This is the best technique because you're never pressed for time and you can figure things out. You have time to ask your professor or friends if you don't understand something.

Also, studying will be pointless unless you understand what you are doing. Try to make a connection with it and ask plenty of questions. I'm sure you can get tutored, ask the teacher for help, or get together with people and create a study session.

You can only try and do so much. You're effort will show up, if anything. No one is good at everything!

Good luck!

Edit: If your professor isn't treating you right (as you said), then you really need to have a talk with him. Explain your whole situation and ask him what you can do to improve. If he still shoes you off, you know you gave an effort and that's the best you can do.

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