Friday, July 31, 2009

Gas price raises?

a) y do u ppl think the gas prices r raising so rapidly?

b) wat do u think will happen if gas prices raise too high?

c) r ppl trying to raising the prices purposely, to make more $?

d) how do u think the price raise will affect the ppl around u?

e) in ur opinion, will expensive gas prices decrease the # of cars on the road and the # of cars bought?

plz answer all the questions, all answer appreciated.

do not say i need a spelling tutor, my keyboard suks

Gas price raises?
Contrary to what many people claim, the president doesn't fix oil prices or manage the level of economic activity. The price of commodities is determined in the open market and based on conditions of supply and demand (discounting for a speculative premium). The protracted bull market in commodities this decade is a result of the economic development of the former third world and is a trend likely to continue no matter who's president. Rising energy prices tend to diminish disposable income since energy is a basic cost of living. However, if wages rise equal or faster than oil prices, the harm would be negligible. If, on the other hand, oil prices rise faster than worker's wages, economic activity would decline and people would drive less. Hope this helped.
Reply:who cares about your spelling man, next time someone gives you crap about it tell them to listen to what you have to say not how well you can spell the words or type, anyway to answer your question...

a- i think gas prices are going up because there is more people needing the fuel and less available at a low price. China has been using more and more fossil fuels, the USA is no longer the only one with a bunch of money and a need for gas, competition causes prices to rise ,so does a shortage or threat of one.

b-i think if the prices go too high we will see other prices raise as well, i think we will also see an increase in wages here in America because of the increase in cost of living, it will all even out, this has been going on since our nation began.

c- yes the increase is "on purpose" it is also opportunistic but this is how big companies work unfortunately, they don't care about economies they care about there own pockets.

d- the price increase will effect the people around me in a negative way until the economy catches up (ie they all get raises ) right now gasoline is one of my biggest expenses and the reason why i have very little money for myself.

e-i do not think gas prices will make people buy less cars but maybe they will use there cars less, so yeah less cars on the road but people will still buy them, we will make them even MORE efficient then they already are or we will find another fuel to power them.
Reply:Its not your spelling or your keyboard. Its that you're too lazy to type the whole words out. Nothing wrong with that. At least its readable, unlike some people's.

a) Gas prices are rising not only due to the weak dollar, war in the middle east, but also increased demand from china. China has been developing rapidly like Japan did at the turn of the last century. And when they are all modernizing more and more people there have cars, so they all need gas. And since the country is bigger, more people at a time need gas. This increased demand has put a strain on the global market and reduced he supply to the US, raising gas prices. And of course, the US itself is consuming more gas by the day, so the prices go up naturally as the world's refineries and oil pumps are pushed to the limit.

Its also because we are putting ethanol into the gas, which is made of corn. We don't have enough corn to do that right now, so that contributes slightly to the cost.

b) If the prices go too high, people would:

- drive less

- take the bus or metro rail

- trade in their SUVs for more fuel sippy cars

- go for alternative fuel cars

- buy more hybrid cars

- and someone will start work on a nuclear powered car, that is totally illegal due to US laws.

c) Probably. The gas station system is a union. No gas station is independent or by itself. And there is no alternative to their gas, they control the entire country! Raising gas prices will increase revenue, but in the long run will push more and more people to use something else.

d) With the slowing economy, raising gas prices is just another unavoidable bill in life that just has to be paid. It will decease spending on other things or deplete other people's savings. It will also increase efforts to switch to alternative fuels.

e) In my opinion, it will effectively terminate the SUV market. those massive cars are awful in terms of mpg. People will go back to buying wimpy little cars like what we had back in the in 1970s. The richer people would trade in their gassy SUVs for a hybrid one. The really rich people would change all their cars to hybrids of alternative fuel cars. The rest of us will have to stick to really wimpy gas sippy cars with Geo Metro-like performance if you can't drive stick. Hybrid cars and alternative fuel vehicles will become popular, even the smelly diesel; since they are flex-fuel vehicles, they can run on any oil. Some of the more obscure propulsion methods may make a comeback, like the turbine-powered car, they get decent mileage and have lots of power. They're just expensive. Those will replace the Ferrari's and Lamborghini's. There was work on a nuclear-powered car, that might continue if the petrol issue becomes bad enough to convince people to look the other way in fear of nuclear radiation.

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