Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Help tests went bad, please help?

I got a C on my math and science test. I studied really hard and for hours each day until the test. I have never been great at math ( it is my worst subject), but i had a friend come over and help me. I got to math lab reguarly and can't get a tutor. Science was my best subject in middle school, but i did everything to prepare for this test ( memorized notes and read book) What should I do differently.

Help tests went bad, please help?
The problem may be that you are not studying correctly.

There are some proven study methods that are contrary to what we would normally do. I'll post these study tips below. The other thing that really helps is to make sure you go to class everyday, sit in the front row (proven to get better grades by scientific study), and pay attention.

Here is some of what I learned:

- Use various methods of studying including writing down questions and answers as well as reading them out loud

- Don't study everything in topics, you need to mix up. This may seem contradictory to common sense but it is better for your memory.

- You absolutely need to use retrieval methods. This means you can't just read it and retain it. You have to use notecards or write out the questions and answer them without looking at the answers at first. You won't retain anything for any period of time without using retrieval.

- Split up your study time. For example if you have only 4 hours to study it is better to study one hour each day than to study all four hours at once or splitting into two sections (although two sections is still better than studying all at once)

Other Tips:

- If you were drinking soda when you study it is best to drink soda when you take the test. If you always sit in the same spot in class, take your test in that spot. This is called state dependent memory.

- Get some sleep and eat breakfast. This honestly helps. It is more brain power.

- Use devices to help you remember (mnemonic devices). If it's a list of five things you need to know then use the first letter of each item and make a word with it. This helps tremendously.

- The brain becomes less able to learn after 20 minutes of sitting so take several movement breaks.*****

What I do:

I use notecards. It takes forever (2-4 hours) to write them all out but it is worth it. The time it takes to write them out actually helps you retain the information. Then I mix them up really good.

After that I split them up into sections of ten. I study ten at a time until I have them memorized. Then I study the next ten. Then I'll combine those two and study that twenty. Etc.. until I am finished. This is the first time then after that it usually comes easy and I can just go through the whole batch. This works so well! When I sit down at a test information spews out of me. It's great.
Reply:as dumb as this may seem, don't worry as much, stress makes you forget everything you study. Take it slow and read a chapter, put the book down, go back later and re-read the chapter, take notes from it. Take breaks and don't overdue. Try having your friend make sample tests for you to take on the subject, or go online and research it so you can learn different methods on how to solve the math stuff that might be easier for you. Don't worry you can do it
Reply:You can be unlucky for some tests. If you felt that you knew most of the questions but didn't answer them well, you might just have had a bad day or might have not got enough sleep the night before. Always make sure you eat well before your tests and have a good sleep beforehand.

Also, sometimes you might just have studied the wrong things or things that just didn't come up in the test. If another teacher had written the test you might have got an A. That has happened to me a few times, you just have to pick yourself up for the next test.

Maybe you didn't understand some of the notes your teacher got you or maybe you thought you understood but actually it meant something else. Try and get a tutor for a few weeks so he/she can go over the tests and explain where you went wrong. If you get your tests back, go over them and learn from your mistakes.

Keep studying hard. No matter what, you're results will improve if you keep studying.

So to recap:

1. Pick yourself up from your disappointment and aim to improve for your next test.

2. Go over your tests, preferably with a tutor or friend so you can see where you went wrong so you won't make the same mistakes next time.

3. Have a good sleep and a good meal before your tests so you can concentrate well.

4. Keep studying hard.

Good Luck.

If you need any more help, email me.

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