Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Help! High School Scheduling?

I am currently an 8th grader preparing for high school.

Does this sound good...

9th Grade-

Algebra II



English 9

Spanish II

Concert Band

Voice (Advanced Choir)

Weight Training

Jazz Ensemble

Music Theory

AP Human Geography (outside of class)

10th Grade-

AP Calculus BC


AP World History

AP English Language

Spanish III

Wind Ensemble (Advanced Band)


Phy Ed 9/10

Jazz Ensemble

AP Music Theory???

11th Grade-

Calculus III/Differential Equations

AP Biology

AP US History

AP English Literature

Spanish IV

Wind Ensemble


Jazz Ensemble

12th Grade-

AP Physics C

AP Chemistry

AP US Government and Politics

AP Psychology

Speaking Arts/Public Speaking

AP Spanish

Wind Ensemble


Tutor/Mentor Elementary School Kids

Jazz Ensemble

I'm a straight-A student involved in:

Cross Country

Track and Field

Boy Scouts

Marching/Pep Band



idk about APMT- i play piano %26amp; trumpet %26amp; sing, but im not very good at sight singing and ear training??

12th- no math??

Help! High School Scheduling?
does your school operate on the block schedule. that is when you have 4 or 5 classes per semester? if you take all of your classes at one time, there are some flaws in the plan. the first problem is taking two maths at the same time when they are different levels. the second if the number of AP classes at a time your sophmore year. yes, AP classes are good, but at my school we are only allowed to take them in the spring semester and we run on a block schedule with 4 blocks-- that means 4 AP classes maximum.

I really feel invigorated by your drive to excel (and appreciate your love for boy scouts and band!), but you can make this your tenative plan and then go back and revise it as the years go on. focus on your freshman year and let the rest fall in place for now. you will do great!

I also agree with Kaci in the sense that AP classes may be more difficult than you think. I am taking two right now and I don't think that I could possibly manage with another (let alone 2) talk to people you know who have had AP classes at your school.

ps. i am just curious, what college are you planning on going to?
Reply:Depends if you want to handle all that stress...

So I ask, why two math classes? Is it one for one semester, another for next semester? If so then I don't really mind that. But ap is harder than you think...

I suggest you take it easy and slow in the beginning, if you think that you are ready, take it next semester or next year.

Reply:And I thought I had a challenging schedule.

Any way my advice is don't be an overacheiver, the college admission wants you to have a passion for specific things than a variety. It's good that you have a passion for music but I don't know about all of those Ap classes. If your a genius who can handle stress then take all of those AP exams. If you have a passion for specific subjects like science then take AP Biology, AP Chemistry, or Ap Physics.

p.s. for future reference an AP class is time consuming, each night the homework can vary from 1 hour to 3 hours.

Also you need to balance your studies with your social life.

Elite colleges have turned down many valedictorians, 4.0 students, and perfect SAT scores because they lacked some requirements.
Reply:taking Algebra 2 al pre cal doesnt really make sense, you need to know algebra 2 in order to take pre cal,

If i were you I would just take " normal " classes in Freshman year, summer school and then the "hard classes"

Just make sure you get A's.
Reply:it sounds like a lot to handle, but if you think you can do it, then by all means, have at it. But if you can help it, I recommend the easier classes in the fall because of Marching band. (yay bandies!)

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