Monday, May 24, 2010

How difficult is this Junior Year schedule on a scale from 1-5?

5 being hardest.

Honors Chemistry (all year)

Honors Algebra 2 (all year)

AP Psychology (2 trimesters)

World Geography (all year)

Spanish 3 (all year)

AP English (Lit, Comp.) (all year)

Algebra 1C (one trimester)%26lt;---- (I got a C in that in 9th grade, and I want to change it to an A.)

How hard will this be while ALSO being involved in Musical, Play, Cross Country, Track, Tutoring, Leadership team, and work?

How difficult is this Junior Year schedule on a scale from 1-5?
I would say 4. Only because if your decision is to take this much, then you can handle it moderately well. I'm taking a similar schedule, and I think it'll be tough with all my extracirriculars. But have faith! Tough it out, and organize your time. (:

PS: The only thing I think might be hard is to do all that and have a job at the same time. A job might interfere with your study time depending on what the hours are and what days. You might want to rethink the job idea, possibly.
Reply:Middle school:

6th grade: 3(It is easy but confusing. For the elctive you have something called "Discovery" which is when you take each elective for 6 weeks and then you switch to a new elective.)

7th: 4 (Everything is a blur! But if you focus on it and you keep your grades up, it won't be such a blur!)

8th: 5 ( The hardest! Only because the teachers are preparing yourselves for High School! But, if you know what you are doing, then you have nothing to worry about!)

Leadership: Very!!!

Musical: Very!!!

Play: Hard!!!

Cross Country: You need to focus

Track: Depends on schedule

Tutoring: You will be very tired!

Hope I helped!
Reply:geez you get 7 subjects? I get only 5 hehe mostly because I'm done with all my graduation requirements. Compared to my schedule, I'd say yours is harder lol I'll give it a 3.9

my schedule

Honors Physics

AP US history

English 11

Spanish 3 honors

Pre-calc honors

study period (my favorite)

these are all for the whole year

it'll be hard juggling school with all that extracurricula you're doing. AP classes are very challenging, you'll have to give up some sports else your grades suffer. I know its tough but we all have to give up something in our lives. Good luck with your education =)

might I suggest giving up work? and work only in the summer. Thats what I do, I work in the summer only. If you really love musicals, I wouldn't want you to give it up. Play, you might need to give that up more often than you want lol. You should give up either cross country or track, they're about thesame anyway. Tutoring, well if you're struggling you definitely need that then. Leadership team, if you feel like you really need it and you cannot succeed in life without leadership skills, then dont drop it. If not, then I'd suggest dropping it. Good luck again

Reply:My schedule included:


AP Psychology

English lll AP


Chemistry ll AP

and AP/Dual-Credit US History.

I'm also in the varsity choir, a "show" choir, an officer in choir, a student-leader in my youth group, in NHS [which just requires lots of community service], attend FCA [fellowship of Christian athletes] weekly, and Science National Honor Society meetings bi-weekly.

I'd say my year has been about a four. I honestly think you're stretching yourself too thin. If anything, I'd give up the job. Musical, Play, cross country, and track are all "seasonal", so to speak. Tutoring and Leadership team are year-round, I'm assuimg. But those don't sound like they'll be entirely too time consuming. Your class load really isn't all that bad. I'd say that you're at about a 2.5-3 with classes alone and a 4 with your intended extra-curriculars. Stick with it though. I would just consider not working, and if you do that, you should really be fine. I'm not gonna lie, though.. At some points you'll just want to curl up in a ball and cry, but believe me that those times will pass. They don't happen too frequently, but they may happen.. Things get better though.


Good Luck!!!
Reply:thts hard im in geometry anfd im only an 8thgrader

im hella advanced in math im suppose to do geometry when im a sophmore
Reply:I'd say a 3. I took most of those sophomore year.
Reply:I'd give it a 5 but I'm also incredibly lazy... I'd have to know more; what sort of workload are you used to taking?
Reply:With the exception of Algebra 1C, I'd give it a 4.5.
Reply:a 5 alot harder then what I had

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