Monday, May 24, 2010

Are your freshman grades important in high school?

Here are my grade: (i am current;y a sophemore)

Freshmen Year: GPA:3.36

English: A-

Algebra: A-

Health: A-

Euro History 2: B-

Latin Amer and Carib: A


Chemistry: B

Latin 1: B

PS -i messed up my fresh. year because i didnt care bout school then

Sohp. Year GPA: 4.34ish

Geometry: A

Algebra: A

English (level 1): A

Graphics Tech: A

Spanish 1/2 (level 1): A

Biology (level 1): B

Pysical Ed: A

Acticities i do are X country, Volleyball, Spanish club, Community Service Club, Medical Club, and should start tutoring soon. But i didn't do any clubs fresh year except Community Service club my fresh year, and nothing else. I also got 1 Saturday Detention fresh year, so far i am clean though.

Do you think that my chances of getting into a good college are partially ruined b/c of my fresh year?

What colleges do you think i can get into? (i am looking to becoming an orthodontist/ oral surgeon maybe, but at least something in medical field).

Are your freshman grades important in high school?
Some schools count all grades equally, but some do not count freshman grades at all, so it just depends on where you want to go. Also, if you end up having resolved the problems of your freshman year, and do well on the SATs, you will still have a lot of chances.
Reply:your freshman grades are just as important as your senior grades, since they go towards the same cause- your GPA.

But your GPA is excellent, and if you're determined now, I'm sure it'll only rise more.

Keep it up!
Reply:You can't have a 4.34 (if you go on 4.0 scale ) unless you take AP classes. In sophmore year, you didn't take AP. Unless you go on 5.0 scale then that is different of course.

Colleges do care about freshmen year, they care that you passed all your classes. Until you take the SAT tests then I would have no idea what your chances are. If you're planning on the Ivy's (Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, Brown, Pen State) then all A's is crucial and though other people may tell you "it's not all about grades!" have you ever seen someone with a B average get into Stanford? For now, you have all A's (except a B in PE but that doesn't really count as long as you don't get below that).

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